I also have to say that it had its share of ups & downs this cover. After I had finished all the paintings & drawings & started to sew on the flowers. I realised that I had done it all on the wrong side☹☹ As you can see on the inside of the cover.
This is the inside cover of what I have now made into a book that I will use for my Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge.
This is the back of the book closed up.
This is the front of the book closed as well. I have used a ribbon that I have threaded through the cover as the closer on the book. The binding is a pamphlet stitched binding with the knots & threads to the outside which I have then added beads to.
This is day one of TAST. It is Fly stitch. I have done sample in different ways & then done a picture using mainly Fly stitch. I may yet still add to this page. I am not sure.
Looking forward now to finding out what Tomorrows stitch will be for TAST.
Warm hugs & I mean warm! It is that hot here in Queensland Australia☹
Your Friend
Elizabeth xx
GREAT JOB Elizabeth!
The inside just wanted to be just as LOVELY as the outside of the cover!
THANKS for posting your link!
GREAT to have you in the workshop.
Your books are amazing. I love the journal you have made. I shall look forward to seeing it being filled each week.
Just call it a design decision. Who would have known? :)
As a former member of TAST, and a current STITCHED person, I can tell you that it's tough to decide what to do with all the stitch samples as the year goes along. I have a much bigger and not as pretty book. You'll be so happy with your choice. Good job!
Thank you all for you lovely comments about my journal. I had fun making it & am going to have just as much fun filling it.
Your Friend Elizabeth xxx
Elizabeth, I love your journal, the embroidered landscape is gorgeous. I would not have known about the 'design adjustment'.......... I've yet to use Evalon, and will buy some with my next Thread Studio order. I like Lutradur. Your work is all so beautiful. I have just joined your followers. I keep seeing your work on SF, and must now 'keep an eye on you'..........LOL.....Cheers.
Absolutely lovely!
Hi Elizabeth
Love your journal and the way your have stitched the cover.
Looking forward to seeing the way you interpret TAST stitches.
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