I also have to say that it had its share of ups & downs this cover. After I had finished all the paintings & drawings & started to sew on the flowers. I realised that I had done it all on the wrong side☹☹ As you can see on the inside of the cover.
This is the inside cover of what I have now made into a book that I will use for my Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge.
This is the back of the book closed up.
This is the front of the book closed as well. I have used a ribbon that I have threaded through the cover as the closer on the book. The binding is a pamphlet stitched binding with the knots & threads to the outside which I have then added beads to.
This is day one of TAST. It is Fly stitch. I have done sample in different ways & then done a picture using mainly Fly stitch. I may yet still add to this page. I am not sure.
Looking forward now to finding out what Tomorrows stitch will be for TAST.
Warm hugs & I mean warm! It is that hot here in Queensland Australia☹
Your Friend
Elizabeth xx